One Under 30: Young Marketer Spotlight – John Nguyen

Highlighting young talent in the ad world – one person at a time.

Image via IAS

As part of an ongoing series highlighting young talent in the industry, Branding in Asia presents “One Under 30” – a special feature that focuses on up-and-coming talent in the ad world, one person at a time.

This time we talk with John Nguyen, Account Executive for ANZ at Integral Ad Science.

Over the course of our conversation, he talks about how he got his first break in the industry, what he loves about the work, what he’s not so crazy about, some of his favorite campaign work, and more.


The Basics

Name: John Nguyen
Age: 26
Company: Integral Ad Science
Position: Account Executive
Hometown: Sydney, Australia
Current Location:
Education: Bachelor of Business, University of Technology Sydney

Seven Questions

How did you get your first break in the industry?

While I chose to major in Marketing in my Business degree at university, heading into a career in the media industry was never part of the plan— there wasn’t a plan to begin with. As I navigated through the final semester of my university days, life took an unexpected turn with a LinkedIn message from a member of the IAS recruitment team.

Being utterly naive to how the corporate world works, I was skeptical about the message and dismissed it altogether, ignoring it for over two weeks. There was a gentle follow-up, and I figured it wouldn’t hurt to look into what IAS was offering. I am so glad that I responded to the recruiter.

IAS offered me an Associate Customer Success Manager position. Without real expectations or a clue about what I was getting into, I just rolled with it. After three rewarding years of building relationships and exceeding expectations, a newly created sales opportunity became available, leading me to the Account Executive position at ANZ.


After a successful (almost) five years at IAS, I have been lucky to experience different parts of the business. I moved from Associate Customer Success to Senior Associate, then to Customer Success Manager and finally to Account Executive. I’m now working steadfastly towards becoming a Senior Account Executive.

What is your personal mantra?

Never stop being curious.

From what person, place or thing have you drawn your greatest creative inspiration?

My parents are my constant source of inspiration, creative or otherwise. Fleeing conflict in Vietnam, they arrived in Australia with limited education and no known contacts. With resilience and determination, they started from scratch and built a successful life for themselves and three children in a completely unfamiliar environment, all from a young age. This, for me, is the epitome of strength and courage.

Whenever I face challenges, big or small, I remember their journey. It serves as a powerful reminder of perspective. The struggles I encounter are pale in comparison to the obstacles they overcame. Their sacrifices and unwavering effort fuel my own, motivating me to push forward, be creative, and resourceful, and strive to do better. They are, and always will be, my heroes.

What do you love about the job?

Without a doubt, I’d say it’s working with the IAS team to make a lasting impact on the digital advertising industry. Working alongside some of the most talented and driven individuals in the industry is a privilege.

There is a real focus on learning and development from the leaders at IAS and it is through this focus that I find myself consistently challenged, creating an environment where innovation thrives and personal growth flourishes.

What about your job are you not so crazy about?

While I enjoy my work’s challenges and fast pace, I recognize the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. This year, I’d like to find ways to be more efficient and manage my workload effectively to achieve a better equilibrium between my professional and personal commitments.

What is some work you’ve done that you’re most proud of?

The most recent achievement that I’m proud of is our 2023 results. Last year, the ANZ team faced an unsure landscape: industry challenges, economic jitters, and the potential for rough waters ahead. Instead of succumbing to the pressure, we pushed through to success. Our relentless effort propelled us to phenomenal year-over-year growth results, exceeding even the most optimistic predictions!

If you had to choose another career what would it be?

Can’t think of any! Looking back, it’s incredible how everything led me here. I love what I do and couldn’t be more grateful for the opportunities and growth I’ve experienced.

Picture of Bobby McGill

Bobby McGill

Bobby is the founder and publisher of Branding in Asia.


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