Study Offers Insights into Asian Language Media Consumption and Preferences in the US

The survey shows Asian language media is the most trusted source of information for Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese Americans.

Study Offers Insights into Asian Language Media Consumption and Preferences in the US

The survey shows Asian language media is the most trusted source of information for Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese Americans.

Nielsen has partnered with Asian American Advertising Federation for the first-ever Asian Language Media Consumption study with research focusing on media perceptions and content preferences for the top three Asian languages in the United States: Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean.

According to the study, in-language media is the most trusted source of information for Asian Americans with more than 40% of total respondents saying they ‘strongly agreed/agreed’ that Asian media offers programs and perspectives they trust. The study additionally found that more than 50% of Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese respondents prefer to buy brands that advertise on programs reflecting their culture.

This study is based on a 2022 survey of Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese language speakers in the U.S.—representing about 40% of the Asian American population and three of the Asian languages most spoken at home, said Nielsen citing the 202 US census.


“These findings confirm that in-language media continues to be a major influence for Asian American consumers,” said Patricia Ratulangi, Vice President of Global Communications – DE&I at Nielsen.

“Brands and advertisers have the opportunity to include in-language media and culturally inclusive content to build trust with Asian American consumers, and influence purchase decisions.”

Key highlights

  • Streaming TV is the most-watched in-language platform (compared to broadcast and cable).
  • Radio is still an important in-language platform. 34% of Chinese respondents, 31% of Vietnamese and 21% of Koreans listen to 7 or more hours per week.
  • Vietnamese respondents reported the highest social media use at 59%, with Korean and Chinese respondents at 38% and 45%.
  • 67% of Korean respondents, 60% of Chinese respondents and 72% of Vietnamese respondents report paying attention to ads in their preferred language.
  • 50% of those who responded to the survey in English state that in-language media helps them to stay connected to their cultural roots.

You can download the full report here.



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