Little Big Change Invites Babies Everywhere to Take a Dump on 2020

Diaper brand Little Big Change launched a clever new Instagram campaign inviting babies all over the world to take a big steaming crap on 2020.

In what seems almost like a therapeutic project to us, the company is inviting parents to take a photo of their baby’s diaper-clad bottom with the “2020” written clearly on the bum. The diaper doesn’t even need to be a Little Big Change, any will do. It is; however, preferable if the diaper is full.

Eager participants in the ‘taking a dump on 2020’ campaign should then post their photos to Instagram with #LittleBigChange.



Nappy New Year!


Little Big Change
Marketing Director: Zita Tourneur
Product Marketing Officer: Fanny Compère

President and Executive Creative Director: Georges Mohammed-Chérif
Vice President: Thomas Granger
Managing Director: Julien Levilain
Art Director: Louis Audard
Copywriter: Tristan Daltroff
Art Director Assistant: Vincent Tavernier
Associate Director: Isaure Goetz
Account Executive: Agathe Coquillon
Head of Social Media: Julien Scaglione
Social Media Consultant: Felix Brunot
Social Media Consultant: Clément Jacobi
Head of PR & Communication: Amélie Juillet
PR & Communication Manager: Paul Renaudineau

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