Brand Element Design: Zhang Shan Lee Si by FKWU, Taiwan

Yes, there are still people listening to CD’s out there. And even album vinyl has been making a comeback of its own.

Here is a design from Taiwan by FKWU for ’Zhang Shan Lee Si’, that we like a lot.

According to FKWU:


When I was on my way home, I was observing every message left by unknown people along the streets, such as menus of lunch box, lost dog notices and cram school leaflets, even the words “no parking” written by our neighbor on the floor.

These usual, unconnected objects have become my material! The cover of ‘’Zhang Shan Lee Si” is a mottled wall and the voices from various people are posting on it.

Check it out.



Creative Agency: FKWU
Project Type: Produced, Commercial Work
Packaging Content: Music CD
Location: Taiwan

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