BBDO India Wins White Pencil for Ariel’s See the Signs of ‘Silent Separation’ at D&AD Awards


Ariel’s See the signs of ‘silent separation’ #ShareTheLoad won a White Pencil in the Sustained Impact category D&AD awards.

Ariel #ShareTheLoad is a long-running movement against unequal distribution of household chores, that started with a pertinent question, ‘Is Laundry only a woman’s job?’ After 9 years, the campaign continues to continues to urge more and more men to #ShareTheLoad.


Ariel’s #ShareTheLoad began in 2015, by asking the question “Is laundry only a woman’s job?” Every edition explored different perspectives to bring out cultural-truths of gender inequality observed in every home, nudging men to share housework. Each campaign built Ariel’s business and metrics in a highly competitive laundry-market, bringing down the number of men who think laundry is only a woman’s job drastically.

“We are thrilled to receive the White Pencil for our long running campaign for Ariel. The White Pencil recognizes exceptional projects that use the power of creativity to drive behavioural, environmental, societal or policy change,” said Josy Paul, Chairperson and CCO of BBDO India.

“We owe everything, including this significant worldwide recognition, to the our enlightened team at P&G India, and to all our partners who’ve been part of this amazing journey. #ShareTheLoad is not just an advertising campaign; it’s a silent revolution that’s changing the way Indian society perceives household chores between couples. Each year we uncover a hidden truth. Our deep listening process, in collaboration with the team at P&G Ariel, helps us sense the mood of the nation, the home, and the individual. The impact can be seen on brand and society.”


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